
I was brought up in the lake district, but the past three years I’ve been living in athens and in northern France working in refugee camps.

I used to work with a siren family who were deaf mute and I took them on day trips and we got the whole deaf mute community on board and then in the end there was like 50 of us that went to the acropolis for the day and everyone was signing and the little kids were signing to their parents and it was just so much fun. 

Home for me is the lake outside my mum's house . 

My favourite meal is Lubia - afghan bean stew because it reminds me of the jungle 

I found the choir through Tess.I know Tess from way back. She’s a playwright and she was putting on a play called Cargo about the refugee crisis . There was a kid in the play and she asked if he could shadow me in the Calais  jungle for a week. 

I think it's human nature to want to put people into boxes because it makes it easier to understand humanity. I think that’s the opposite of humanity so I think you’ve got to undo that hard wiring in our heads. 

For me the choir represents the  best thing about living in London because I’m a bit sceptical about London but the choir reminds me of why London is a great place to live. 

The most unexpected thing about living in the UK...Well I guess I turned 18 when I was in eastern europe ..I’m still not used to having to take my id everywhere here. It's not a thing in Greece.

I’m moving abroad in a couple of months at the end of the summer so I hope I get my student visa.

In the next 10 years I hope I can Graduate from uni and continue working with refugees and find a job where I can get paid for it.

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